5 Reasons Your People Should Have a Will

When it comes to dog bites the main question is, did the owner have knowledge of their dog showing aggressive behaviour prior to the incident? This is referred to as the “One-Free Bite” Principle. In legal terms, this is called the Doctrine of Scienter. Don’t let this fancy term intimidate you, the term scienter simply refers to the question of whether or not the owner had previous knowledge about the dog’s potential to bite.
Beware of the One Free Dog Bite Law in British Columbia

When it comes to dog bites the main question is, did the owner have knowledge of their dog showing aggressive behaviour prior to the incident? This is referred to as the “One-Free Bite” Principle. In legal terms, this is called the Doctrine of Scienter. Don’t let this fancy term intimidate you, the term scienter simply refers to the question of whether or not the owner had previous knowledge about the dog’s potential to bite.
An Uninsured Driver Hit Me in BC! What Should I Do?

It all happens so fast when a car accident takes place. There are so many things to worry about. Is anyone injured? Is there damage to the car. Among all these details, the last thing you might expect to be dealing with is an uninsured driver. If the accident happens in BC, there are some important laws to be aware of.