An Uninsured Driver Hit Me in BC! What Should I Do?

Uninsured Driver in BC

It all happens so fast when a car accident takes place. There are so many things to worry about. Is anyone injured? Is there damage to the car. Among all these details, the last thing you might expect to be dealing with is an uninsured driver. If the accident happens in BC, there are some important laws to be aware of.

What Should I Do if I Am in a Hit and Run?

If you’re involved in a collision, and the other vehicle leaves the collision scene before you can get their name, license number, or vehicle’s plate number, it is considered a hit and run. Being involved in a hit and run collision can be extremely frustrating. If you are left injured and your vehicle is damaged, make sure you do everything you can to try and identify the driver.

Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) – How it works in motor vehicle accident claims.

Lambert Law can help you with ICBC claims

The CRT is an online tribunal. A tribunal is a different way to resolve disputes. It resembles the court system because it can make decisions but is not directly a part of the court system.  Tribunals are often used because they are less formal, less expensive, and promote a faster way to resolve disputes (although, this is not always the case).

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