Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) – How it works in motor vehicle accident claims.

The CRT is an online tribunal. A tribunal is a different way to resolve disputes. It resembles the court system because it can make decisions but is not directly a part of the court system. Tribunals are often used because they are less formal, less expensive, and promote a faster way to resolve disputes (although, this is not always the case).
Where Should I Store My Will?

The safekeeping of an original Will is very important. If an original Will cannot be found, the law presumes it has been destroyed and is no longer valid. This can cause problems, especially when there is a copy of the original Will, outlining the terms of the Estate, but no valid document to prove those terms must be fulfilled.
Injured pedestrian awarded $690,000

ICBC told her they would argue that she was partially at fault for being hit at a crosswalk. Lambert Law went to bat for her. At the end of the trial, the judge found the driver of the truck to be completely at fault for our client’s injuries and awarded her what she deserved for her pain and suffering.